Sunday, 29 September 2013

Drawing Update 1#

Ever since beginning the city collaboration in the drawing sessions with Tom, I find myself investing more time and effort into the personal work I’ve been doing home, which began at the end of this summer. They're mainly just quick illustrations of various figures, mainly me and Daphni, whom I originally created the drawings for. Here's a few examples:

As you can see, nothing exceptional just quick illustrations done on lined paper, for my own amusement and interest.

But from here, thanks to the collaboration, the amount of time and detail I've invested into each of these illustrations has increased, and becoming much better. Here are a few examples:

As you can see, the lines are bolder and more obvious, and the addition of colour and the use of lighting. The illustrations are now done graphically, on my laptop with a drawing tablet, which shows much better results than the previous medium of paper and pencil. As you can see the illustrations don’t have much in the way of backgrounds, or anything aside from the characters. So it isn’t relevant to the collaboration yet, but I have been inspired to begin adding various other things into the drawings to fill the page and bring the little world inside the image alive.

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