Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Client Response

I received the email from the client...APPROVED! My pitch has been green-lit, and now I have been chosen along with 2 of my fellow animating students to produce an animation to hand in and exhibit at the end of the semester. The email did not provide much more information than had already been said at the pitch. They enjoyed my idea and designs, explained the new alterations they were looking for, and again noted it wasn’t a necessity for me to make the alterations of using modern technology. There was no word on the final animations size or format, nor any word on the size of the budget or when we would get it. Ill admit that although before I said it’d be a strain being one chosen as I would have to follow the clients need, or worse be stuck with a writer or producer. But being green-lit has given me a small amount of satisfaction, knowing my pitch was chosen over dozens of groups of film students. Also there is no inclination in the email I will be given a writer or producer, which gives me relief. Now I begin the adventure of pre-production.

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