Friday, 27 September 2013

The Pitch

Here we are, on the day of the pitch. I had the first time space of the day. I had all my storyboard panels and character designs in hand, and was happy that I was the first pitch of the day, as the clients would be fresh and awake.
I believed I did well on the pitch. The storyboard and my walk-through of it was clear and precise. But found when I described pivotal scenes, expecting faces of approval, I was met with faces of shock and horror, which confused me. After running through the storyboard and an awkward pause, I realised why they looked so shocked and confused. I neglected to mention it was an animation, and they assumed I was a film student in live action. Thankfully after clearing up its going to be an animation, they seemed far more positive and interest about my pitch. At this point I presented them with my character designs. They liked my designs and said it has promise to be an interesting piece both visually and story-wise, with some of the scenes going to be very effective. The time then came for the representative from the Leeds Armouries to give his take on my pitch. He gave very positive feedback. He especially liked the involvement of the Kitchener, which answered the briefs need according to him. But he did state that a new brief, or somewhat of an alteration had been made since we were given the list. He asked if I could show how modern technology would've been used back then if it was available. I didn’t exactly understand what he was asking for, the information he was saying wasn’t entirely clear but I believe I got the basis of it. I did suggest the Kitchener coming out of an LCD screen instead of a poster, which he liked. Fortunately he stated that my original concept was already strong and answered their brief, and there was no desperate need to change it. Overall I’m happy with what I created, and believe my presentation was good. Aside from the fact I forgot to mention it was an animation, and forgot to ask for technical details for the final piece. But I later discovered they did not have an answer on that day for those questions. Now we wait and see if my pitch is green-lit I did overhear them say they only had the budget to finance less than half a dozen films, and considering both animation and film students were pitching, I have no real expectation of being chosen, but seeing as the budget would add extra pressure and limitations in some ways, I wont be upset if not chosen. But we now wait until next week to see the results.

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