Sunday, 22 September 2013

Research Update 4#

Here is the results of my research on the most commonly firearms used by the British military during the war:

With these images I will be able to create accurate drawings of the rifle used by most if not all of the British forces during the war, the Lee Enfield Rifle.

I also researchedthe sidearms most commonly used by the British military at the time, the revolver:

Although researching this has been useful in learning more about the weapons seen on the battlefield. I do not believe I will need to show any pistols in my animation, as only Officers would have a sidearm revolver on them, while the 'canon fodder' troops only had the rifle and bayonet.

The research for the battle locations for WW1 trench warfare are similar in appearance to that of the research I did for WW2 Battle of the Somme, but then again , trenches will look similar regardless of the time difference, and trench warfare in WW1 and WW2 were similar, both in appearance, dangers and strategies:

The images and footage I've found will definitely help me when designing the trench scenes in my animation, creating a more accurate and authentic look to my work.

Overall I am pleased with the research I have carried out, and believe the information I have gathered of these last few days will allow me to create a n animation based on the First World War that will be both historically accurate, aswell as interesting and appealing to watch.

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