Thursday, 19 September 2013

Research Update 2#

As I only have a week to do the research for the pitch, there will not be many of these updates for the research carried out. But will contain everything I watched, heard and studied in order to gain knowledge on the subject, and create a more historically accurate storyboard and character designs.

Here are the images that I have based my designs of the military uniform from.

These are the 2 images all my designs for military uniforms are based off. A quick search for WW1 uniforms displayed these 2 almost immediately, which I felt were the most appropriate. The uniforms are those of the low ranking men in the army, the 'grunts' on the front line. Which my character, and those around him in the trench are. The simple green shirt, pants and brown belt and boots will be much easier to draw than the more...fashionable uniforms of the higher ranking officials, such as these I found while researching:

Although I should note these uniforms vary in country of origin, from British to German, Russian and French. But all still too flashy for my animation, and ones you would not find in the trenches.

Now I came to research the civillian fashion of the time in London. Here are the images I based my designs from:

As you can see. Bright colours, big hats and long dresses. Mainly showing no legs or exposed skin. Not even a cheeky little ankle flash for the boys. The result of this research has proven troublesome, as there is far more detail in the fashion of both men & women than I hoped to have in my piece. I will incorporate what I have learned from these images into my designs. But try to tone down the level of detail, especially the hats, to make the job of animating easier.

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