Saturday, 23 November 2013

Drawing Update 9#

Today we focused back on the Coat Reddington. We were instructed to design a character that would fir in the chaos that's happening in our city, and create a story for the character within the city. From there, we would create a 12 panel storyboard, applying what we've learned from the life drawing sessions to the poses shown in the panels. I began with some brainstorming just to get into the flow and get some ideas moving:

After designing a few faces I decided to go with the bottom far left design, and work on it more. I knew I wanted him to be a cyborg of some sort, but didn't know to what extent I wanted, so I created a handful of different ideas for his limbs, hair and body shape:

After making my final decision on what to use, I started drawing the character in various position to get comfortable with the shape and lines needed for the various poses, aswell as a large piece with felt tip and colour to see what the character would look like, as the storyboard will be in black and white:

After all the planning I went straight into doing the storyboard. Here it is:

I'm very happy with it. I feel like Ive showed the character in various poses from different angel, and applied what I've learnt from the model sketching, to my animation work. I also scanned in some of the panels and added colour using photoshop, aswell as strengthening the outlining:

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