Monday, 4 November 2013

Drawing Update 5#

Today I practiced my life modelling drawing again, but this time instead of focusing on the details, I focused on the body as a while, like we've been doing in the life modelling session.

Here are the results of the practice of one model;

Im happy with these 2. Plotting out the joints before hand helps get the measurements and proportions of the limbs correct, and I feel they are overall better than the drawings Ive created in the session. But that could be because I have to stand  for 3 hours and use a blasted easel in ever session and feel the pressure of having only 10 minutes to draw always on me.

Lastly I tried my hand at drawing a model using the entire page;

This time I went with a female model as I had done males before, and still only had one life modelling with a female (which was cut short due to her passing out on the table), so want to get more experience with it. I believe it came out well. I do feel the legs and lower body are thicker than I was expecting, it may look ok, but if you were to compare it to the image of the model, it would stand out I'm guessing.

Next time I may touch upon shading and use of light in my drawings, but of course what I practice in my spare time depends on what we do in the session. As its purpose is to strengthen the work we do and ultimately improve my skill.

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