Friday, 11 October 2013

Drawing Session 4

We've taken a step back from the city for now, to try and put some order on our glorious city. The aim of this session was creating a birds eye view of the city, for the project we have done. So, looking at the city, we attempted to create a working map of the city, taking into account the size and distance of the buildings from eachother, aswell as the roads and natural landmarks, such as rivers and mountains. We decided the best course of action for this was to create maps individually rather than collaborating on one as it might be confusing having so many different methods involved in creating one practical map. Therefore we went ahead with each student creating a map of their own, and at the end we would vote on the best map, which would be used in the collaboration. After each of us created a dozen, very different types of maps, we graded eachothers maps on a scale of 1-10, and whichever map had the highest overall score at the end, would be chosen. After going through the grading, my map had received the highest score, and so, would chosen to represent the city of....huh, no name...I’m guessing its time we gave it a name. After choosing the map, the time then came for us to give our city a name. Each student would think of 5 possible names for the city, with each student saying yes or no to each name. Coincidentally one of my names received the highest mark. So both the map and name for the city was contributed by me. Finally the great city of 'Coat Reddington' was becoming a reality!

The chosen map of Coat Reddington

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